It must be done. All Americans must be tracked and taxed into poverty to protect the country from the evil terrorists. Booga Booga.
Victims of Creeping Fascism One by one our basic freedoms are being stolen from us by those who purport to represent our interests. These are freedoms for which millions of our own fought and died. Were their sacrifices in vain? It appears so. In the aftermath of the toppling of the World Trade towers by clandestine operatives inside the government, the massive Patriot Act was enacted into law. Incredibly, this immense document, sold to the people as protecting the sanctity of American lives, was not even read by the law makers who voted it into law. The Patriot Act was nothing more than a piece of creeping fascism that quietly, unobtrusively, stripped us of our hard won freedoms without so much as a skirmish.
Bush’s Snoopgate President Bush came out swinging on Snoopgate—he made it seem as if those who didn’t agree with him wanted to leave us vulnerable to Al Qaeda—but it will not work. We’re seeing clearly now that Bush thought 9/11 gave him license to act like a dictator, or in his own mind, no doubt, like Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.
NSA uses ECHELON against US citizens Who would have believed that twitchy paranoiacs are actually onto something? Incredibly, they are: the New York Times has revealed that the US National Security Agency (NSA) has been spying on American citizens.
Read more about ECHELON at
What Really Happened.
U.S. spying broader than acknowledged Bush outlines reasons to spy
He says safety trumps privacy.
Fox’s Wendell Goler: Secret Wiretapping Program Used 18,000-Plus Times
Want to bet most of that 18,000 - 19,000 are not "Al Qaeda"?
Democrats Say They Didn't Back Wiretapping
Until the past several days, the White House had only informed Congress' top political and intelligence committee leadership about the program that Bush has reauthorized more than three dozen times. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he and other top aides were just now educating the American people and Congress. "The president has not authorized ... blanket surveillance of communications here in the United States," he said.
So, which is it? They voted for it, or they're just learning of it? You can't have both! This is a text book example of American politics. What are we paying these people for anyway, to have investigations? Why is it that they never seem to know what's going on in Washington? This is looking more and more like good cop bad cop theater, with the purpose of keeping the public divided and thinking there really is a choice. The Democrats blew their cover when they said the war in Iraq would continue if Kerry won the last election, despite many in the party (especially the voters) supposedly being opposed to it and/or thinking it was a waste of resources, since we all know Iraq and that prick Saddam never had any WMDs.
Both parties do not listen to the people anymore. This is more like gang warfare. A fight between two groups of assholes arguing over who gets to call the shots and make the most money for their cronies getting all the contracts.
Newsmax: "But, but, but, Clinton did it too!" During the 1990's under President Clinton, the National Security Agency monitored millions of private phone calls placed by U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries under a super secret program code-named Echelon.
Fine. They are both equally evil. You won't get any argument from me about that. But equally evil is still evil.
Bush says he signed NSA wiretap order After The New York Times reported, and CNN confirmed, a claim that Bush gave the National Security Agency license to eavesdrop on Americans communicating with people overseas, the president said that his actions were permissible, but that leaking the revelation to the media was illegal.