Friday, October 01, 2004

Yeah, Kerry Won That

Hands down. Here's a good article about the debate by William Rivers Pitt over at Truth Out.

W sure seemed to get annoyed a lot and kept trying to get more time to give a rebuttal to something Kerry got him on. Funny. The split screen on c-span with some of his facial expressions while waiting his turn to speak were priceless. Kudos to c-span for the split shot; other networks only did it occasionally. CNNfn had an interesting live graph thing going across the screen where I guess they were somehow getting instant responses from the audience. According to folks over at the Majority Report blog, it started out pretty supportive of W.... until about 20 minutes in, when people probably realized he was bombing. When I flipped over, I noticed the thing take a dip almost every time he finished talking. Kudos to CNNfn (of all channels) as well for putting up something like that and making things a little more interesting.

I give you Matthew Good, a Canadian who watched and feels that Kerry commanded the entire thing from the start. He had some good thoughts about the debate and ended it with: When all is said and done, both parties are just as conniving as the other. Unfortunately, such underhandedness is vying for a position that will ultimately effect the lives of tens of millions of non-Americans. And while both candidates made reference to the 1000+ dead US service men and women that have died overseas, neither mentioned the tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis that have lost their lives to help make the United States a safer place.


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