Sunday, October 10, 2004

No Palestinian State, No Peace for America

Now we know the truth. Neither the Bush administration nor the Israeli government has any intention whatsoever of allowing the Palestinians to establish their own state.

That means, of course, that both have been lying, not only to the Palestinians but to the American people. It also means that there will be no end to the conflict in the Middle East no matter what we do. A peaceful, stable Middle East is an utter impossibility without justice for the Palestinians.


Now, you might fairly ask yourself, "What do I care what happens to the Palestinians?" Well, to be brutally frank, if you don't know any personally, the answer is probably "nothing." But ask yourself another question, "What do I care what happens to me and other Americans?" Ah, there's the rub, because our fate and the fate of the Palestinians are inextricably bound together. Those 3,000 Americans who died on Sept. 11, 2001 died in large part directly because of U.S. policy vis-à-vis Israel and the Palestinians.

Osama bin Laden has said time and again, as have others, that as long as the Palestinians bleed, so will we. And he's right. Despite the heifer dust spread by the Bush administration, the plight of the Palestinians is the fuel that motivates virtually all the terrorism. The terrorists don't hate us because we are rich or free. They hate us because, in cahoots with the Israelis, we have brutalized and deprived of their human rights the innocent Palestinian people.

Read the complete article, written by Charley Reese


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